Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sun Bo


Sun Bo is a senior editor of newspaper and writer in Toronto, Canada. He is the President of Chinese Pen Society of Canada . He is member of the Toronto Chinese Writers' Association .


Sun Bo was born in Shanghai,had been a lecturer at University before coming to Canada in 1990. He is the President of Chinese Pen Society of Canada from 2003.He has published over 10 books in Chinese, including the novels Reflux, Tears of Camellia, Men in 30’s and Juvenile Visa Students in Tears.


* Sun Bo ,《男人三十》 。北京:文化艺术,2000。
* Sun Bo ,《茶花泪》(Chahua lei)(Tears of Camellia) 北京:中国青年,2001.
* Sun Bo ,《茶花泪》(Chahua lei)(Tears of Camellia) 台湾:生智,2002
* Sun Bo ,《回流》 北京:中国青年,2002。
* Sun Bo ,《小留学生泪洒异国》(Xiao Liuxuesheng Leisa Yiguo)(Juvenile Visa Students in Tears) 北京:群众,2004。


* Wu Hua(吴华)、Sun Bo 、Shi Heng(诗恒)主编《西方月亮──加华作家短篇小说精选集》 台湾:水牛,2004。

* Wu Hua(吴华)、Sun Bo 、Shi Heng(诗恒)主编《叛逆玫瑰──加华作家中篇小说精选集》 台湾:水牛, 2004。

* Sun Bo 主编《旋转的硬币──加中笔会作品集》 四川成都: 成都时代,2007。

* Sun Bo 主编《走遍天下──首届世界华人游记征文大赛精选集》 加拿大:多蒙,2008。

* Xu Xueqing(徐学清)、Sun Bo 主编《枫情万种──加华作家散文精选集》 ,繁体字版(Traditional chinese character edition) 台湾:水牛,2005 。

* Xu Xueqing(徐学清)、Sun Bo 主编《枫情万种──加华作家散文精选集》 ,简体字版 北京:作家,2006。

* Sun Bo 、Yu YueYing(余月瑛),纪实文学集《小留学生闯世界》(Reportage Collection of The Interview with Visa Students)上海:少年儿童,2001。

* Sun Bo 、Yu YueYing(余月瑛),纪实文学集《枫叶国里建家园》 台湾:水牛, 1996。

* Sun Bo ,散文集《您好!多伦多》(Essay Collection of Hello Toronto)台湾:水牛,1995。

* Sun Bo , 旅游集《多伦多》(Travel Collection of Toronto)台湾:太雅,first edition 2001,new edition 2006。

* Sun Bo , 旅游集《上海》(Travel Collection of Shanghai)台湾:太雅,first edition 2001, new edition 2007。

1 comment:

Premika Ratnam said...


I am trying to get in touch with you. Please can you contact me as soon as possible.

